Summer Begins!!! - Next Malton Moms Meeting - June 16th, 2008.

Pin It Hello everyone, hope its hot enough for ya.

Monday June 16th, 6.30pm at the Malton Community Centre, Malton Moms will host its Summer Trip Planning Meeting. We strive to come out of the meeting decided on where we will plan to go for at least 3 trips during the months of June, July and August.

Please bring your ideas, information and pricing to the next meeting. So far, it looks like the Fire Station, Zoo, and Kidtopia are favourites. We are open to more options as well.

As always, prices will aim to be accessible so that all will attend. We will strive to have a number of sliding scale spaces open.

Malton Moms has a new phone number 905.677.6539. We will also have a table June 21 at the Malton Community Fair, in the Community Centre, 1-3pm.

please email Crystal or Camar at for more information.

See you there!

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