Hello all the Malton Mommas out there,
I know, I know, we have been pretty inactive with regards to the group for quite sometime. The reason for that is we have been crazy-busy with the juggling act that is being a modern mom. We are back on track, and wanted to update you with what's going on in Malton and what are plans are moving forward.
Malton Moms will be resuming monthly meetings in October on the last Wednesday of the month - 6:30 pm in the Library.
We will be meeting at the Malton Library for the time being, and are negotiating space with the Community Centre and Malton Neighbourhood Services.
We are currently applying for a grant to increase our community work and programming. Camar, Crystal and Victoria are working on this, wish us well! This development could mean great things for our community.
Heather had a new baby named Riley. He is squishy, cute and adorable! Racquel, Rachelle and Abigail have moved away. We wish both families well. New Life and a New Home are great adventures. You can reach both by email if you wanted to keep in touch. If you dont have their contact info, please email maltonmoms@hotmail.com
Currently, Crystal is working at the Malton Community Health Centre and their will be a number of Community Input and Engagement Events happening which you will all be invited out to. A new health centre in Malton will be up and running in about 18 months. Check out the site http://www.mymalton.ca/ - the blog will be updated with an article written by Crystal on Health & Wellness.
Malton Community Centre has some really good programs including: Steve Nash Basketball, Soccer, Hip Hop and Dance. Please, if you can send your children to these programs. Financial help, if necessary, may be available. Please ask about Active Assist or click on www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/activeassist to find out more. There are subsidies available for up to $275.00 per family members to enjoy programming for one year. It is definetely worth checking out.
Look out for our monthly musings section on the blog where everyday Malton Moms can share an article written by them with the group. If you are interested, please send an email with the subject line " I wanna blog " to maltonmoms@hotmail.com
Oh! Before I forget, and really, I dont want to toot our own horn, but Camar and Crystal recently completed the Parent Education Facilitator course with the Family Education Centre in Brampton. One of our near future goals are to have parenting groups and discussions to benefit families in the Malton Community. FEC is a really great organization, please feel free to have a look at the webpage www.familyedcentre.org
Please continue to email us with suggestions, questions or ideas on how we can grow, sustain improve the Malton Moms Collective.
Take care,
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